Epoxy 2 part Adhesive

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Product ID: Epoxy
Origin: Japan
Manufacturer: Epoxy
Packaging: 50ml, 100ml/tube, 1kg/can
Warranty: 12 months

Epoxy 2 part Adhesive is an epoxy resin that is not only strong in adhesion but also wear-resistant, water-resistant and high-temperature resistant. Used mostly for industrial materials, including cement and wood materials.

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- Drying time.

+ The adhesive dries quickly within 5 - 30 minutes and achieves high adhesion.

+ Product code F-05C and F-30C have transparent color.

- Surface clean after use (Mold):

+ Transparent or yellowish color.

+ Suitable for mold repair.

- Heat resistant

+ High heat resistance.

+ The adhesive dries immediately at room temperature.


- Can be used for metal, wood, plaster, hard plastic.

- Use for concrete, stone, plaster, metal and other materials.

- Excellent application for elasticity, heat resistance and high strength.


- 50ml, 100ml/tube, 1kg/can.

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