Isamu Car Interior Disinfectant Cleaner

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Product ID: 29802
Brand: Isamu
Origin: Japan
Manufacturer: Isamu
Packaging: 300ml/bottle
Warranty: 12 months

Isamu Car Interior Disinfectant Cleaner is a product to clean the interior, disinfect and remove bacteria for your car.

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- High water holding capacity, you can wipe many places on the car to keep the car clean.

- Can remove grease and dirt on hands.

- Compact design, easy to control according to car interior hygiene.


- Disinfects and cleaners in all interior cars (dashboards, sheets, etc.)

- Can also be used for household glassware, mirrors disinfecting and cleaning.

- Quick drying and disinfecting with premium alcohol.

- Removes cigarette residue, sebum stains, and oil film.

- Deodorizing effect.


- 300ml/bottle.

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